About this event
This is NOT an autocross registration - This is only to reserve class numbers for 2024 autocross events.
We do not prevent #'s from being picked or force you to have a single number so if you have a special or favoite number and you bought vinyl decals, then add that class and number here.
If you register your class # here, and someone registers the same class # at an event, this list helps me (registration chief) work it out with the other driver. You need to contact me if someone registers your class #. I'll move them. But only if you register your class # here so I can point out any class #'s spoken for.
Novices: sign up for this when you move to an open class and buy #'s and letters for your car.
This list does not limit you from registering any other car or class, and you can change what you reserve here at any time.
Event requirements
This is a reference list for member class #'s.
In case the reg list fails to show an unused # you want, send a note to the registration chief and your class # can be manually added.
Pick a class, and if you run in PRO use the modifier to set the base class of your car.
Click "Continue" to register or Click the registration list link (upper right in this form) to see what #s our members already use.