Sat, Oct 21, 2023

Chicago Region SCCA 75 Years of Momentum Fall Tour

Wisconsin Scenic Roads

About this event

The leaves are changing colors, and the G.O.A.T.S. are calling - it's time for the Chicago Region SCCA Fall Tour. As part of the region's celebration of its 75th anniversary and 75 Years of Momentum, we're driving scenic Wisconsin backroads to Elkhart Lake, where Chicago Region sports car racing began.


This G.O.A.T.S. (Get Out And Tour Series) event takes place Saturday, October 21. The starting point is Granny’s Diner of Richmond, 11302 U.S. Route 12, Richmond, Ill. (Pay no attention to the map below, which shows Rockton. Due to technology, the map can't be changed.)

Check-in begins at 8 a.m., and the first car leaves at 9 a.m. The drive will take three to four hours to complete (about 150 miles). At the end, we will gather at Siebkens Stop Inn Tavern, which is located on the original 1951 and 1952 Elkhart Lake street-race course, where we’ll have lunch surrounded by racing history. Along the way, you’ll have the chance to navigate beautiful Wisconsin byways, with many twists, turns and elevation changes.


The entry fee for members is $15; for nonmembers, it is $35, which includes an SCCA weekend membership. All cars must have a driver and a navigator. Any navigator who is not an SCCA member will be asked to sign a Trial Membership document at check-in. There is no fee for the Trial Membership.

Pre-event registration is required. The entry deadline is midnight Sunday, October 15.

Event requirements

Driver's License: All drivers must have a valid driver's license. Remember to bring it with you to check-in.

Insurance: Per SCCA requirements, each entrant must have an auto insurance policy covering the entered vehicle with liability limits as required by the state in which the vehicle is registered, and this insurance policy must be in force on the date of the event.

Driver and Navigator: All cars must have a driver and a navigator. The driver must have an SCCA membership - either full or weekend.

Navigator Membership: The navigator (other person besides the driver in the car) must either be an SCCA member or have a Trial Membership. There is no charge for the latter. We will ask nonmember navigators to sign the Trial Membership form at check-in.

If you are younger than age 18, please contact the tour organizer before signing up.


Entries (19)

Jim Stoller
David Feldstein
John (Jack) Novak
R Steven Laske
Peter Breckenfelder
William Kowalewski-Barrera
Michael Mosbey
William Jones

Wisconsin Scenic Roads

Richmond, IL


Fun Run/Tour organized by

SCCA - Chicago Region - Club Racing

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Event over!