About this event
Come join us for the annual banquet of the Rio Grande Region SCCA!
Help us celebrate our 2024 autocross class victors, welcome next year's Board of Directors, and award the Autocrosser of the Year and Steve Randall trophys.
When: Saturday, March 1 from 1:00-3:00 PM
Menu: Buffet-style Italian favorites including salad, entree options, and dessert. A vegetarian option will be available.
** Non-alcoholic drinks included, alcohol will be on your own tab.
Who: All RGR SCCA participants, family, and guests
Where: Trombino's Italian Bistro, 5415 Academy Rd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109
Cost: $25
Event requirements
Registration and deferred payment is required for the event. Deferred payment means your payment will process at the close of online registration (February 24).